SRA Experiment Id ERX452787  (Link to NCBI )
Experiment Title Illumina MiSeq sequencing
SRA Study
SRA Study Id ERP005626  (Link to NCBI )
Study Title Microbial biodiversity and structure in soil affects the composition of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Jacobaea vulgaris
Study Abstract Secondary metabolites like pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) act as defense compounds against aboveground and belowground attackers. We studied to get a better understanding of relevance of microbial diversity in the rhizosphere for plant growth and behavior, specifically related to secondary metabolites production. We made soil dilution to compare the composition of soil microbial communities of soil suspension, incubation and rhizosphere soil by 16s rRNA high throughput pyrosequencing, as a consequence, to determine the effects on plant behaviors. The dilution procedure leads to reduction of the diversity of bacteria at the phylum level. After regrown, the structure of microbial community in the rhizosphere changed significantly as compared to the composition in the incubated soil. Jacobeae vulgaris as model plants growing in the soil where microbial diversity were decreased, had a higher biomass and higher amount of free base form of PAs' production, which indicates the reduction of soil microbial community in the rhizosphere shows significant feedback. Our study adds evidence that soil microbes may play a role in the evolution of plant secondary metabolites in plants.
Alias ena-STUDY-yanyan-23-04-2014-09:17:15:611-61
External Id BioProject=PRJEB6154
SRA Sample
SRA Sample Id ERS441788  (Link to NCBI )
SRA Run Id ERR486955  (Link to NCBI )
Spots 119884
Bases 11456472
Size 3771840
Published Date 2020-02-07
Exp Library Strategy OTHER
Library Source METAGENOMIC
Library Selection RANDOM PCR
Library Name unspecified
Library Layout SINGLE
Library Instrument ILLUMINA_MI_SEQ
Exp. Description
Spot Length