SRA Study Id SRP357145  (Link to NCBI )
Study Title Methanoplanus endosymbiosus strain:DSM 3599 Genome sequencing
SRA Experiments
SRA Experiment Id SRX14445306  (Link to NCBI )
Experiment Title WGS of strain MC1
Exp Library Strategy WGS
Library Source GENOMIC
Library Selection size fractionation
Library Name MC1_combined
Library Layout SINGLE
Library Instrument SEQUEL
SRA Experiment Id SRX13960979  (Link to NCBI )
Experiment Title Genome sequencing of Methanoplanus endosymbiosus
Exp Library Strategy WGS
Library Source GENOMIC
Library Selection size fractionation
Library Name PS21038
Library Layout SINGLE
Library Instrument SEQUEL
Study Abstract
Alias PRJNA801442
External Id PRJNA801442