SRA Experiment Id SRX2939920  (Link to NCBI )
Experiment Title Klosterneuburg WWTP active sludge D78_LAv2
SRA Study
SRA Study Id SRP109975  (Link to NCBI )
Study Title Active sludge microbial communities from wastewater in Klosterneuburg, Austria - Klosterneuburg WWTP active sludge D78_LAv2 metagenome
Alias PRJNA375170
External Id PRJNA375170
SRA Sample
SRA Sample Id SRS2301456  (Link to NCBI )
Title Active sludge microbial communities from wastewater in Klosterneuburg, Austria - Klosterneuburg WWTP active sludge D78_LAv2
SRA Run Id SRR5723928  (Link to NCBI )
Spots 9165033
Bases 2767839966
Size 1134296221
Published Date 2017-06-21
Exp Library Strategy OTHER
Library Source METAGENOMIC
Library Selection other
Library Name ATWZS
Library Layout PAIRED
Library Instrument NEXT_SEQ_500
Exp. Description
Spot Length