SRA Experiment Id SRX036686  (Link to NCBI )
Experiment Title
SRA Study
SRA Study Id SRP004954  (Link to NCBI )
Study Title Reference genome for Human Microbiome Project
Alias 70932
External Id PRJNA47183
SRA Sample
SRA Sample Id SRS150806  (Link to NCBI )
Title MIGS Cultured Bacterial/Archaeal sample from Enterococcus faecalis TX1341
SRA Run Id SRR088832  (Link to NCBI )
Spots 8552047
Bases 1710409400
Size 1068754366
Exp Library Strategy WGS
Library Source GENOMIC
Library Selection RANDOM
Library Name 2857601435
Library Layout PAIRED
Library Instrument ILLUMINA_HI_SEQ_2000
Exp. Description
Spot Length 200