SRA Experiment Id SRX025446  (Link to NCBI )
Experiment Title
SRA Study
SRA Study Id SRP003246  (Link to NCBI )
Study Title Reference genome for Human Microbiome Project
Alias Atopobium vaginae HMP146-RLB-RL4-01-865 Study
External Id PRJNA51071
SRA Sample
SRA Sample Id SRS105369  (Link to NCBI )
Title MIGS Cultured Bacterial/Archaeal sample from Atopobium vaginae PB189-T1-4
SRA Run Id SRR063804  (Link to NCBI )
Spots 268754
Bases 140865533
Size 321898577
Exp Library Strategy WGS
Library Source GENOMIC
Library Selection RANDOM
Library Name HMP146-RLB-RL4-01-865
Library Layout SINGLE
Library Instrument 454 GS FLX Titanium
Exp. Description
Spot Length