SRA Experiment Id SRX001333  (Link to NCBI )
Experiment Title 454 sequencing of Campylobacter rectus RM3267 HMP048 genomic fragment library
SRA Study
SRA Study Id SRP000330  (Link to NCBI )
Study Title reference genome for the Human Microbiome Project
Alias HMP048-454 Study
External Id PRJNA31017
SRA Sample
SRA Sample Id SRS001044  (Link to NCBI )
Title MIGS Cultured Bacterial/Archaeal sample from Campylobacter rectus RM3267
SRA Run Id SRR005144  (Link to NCBI )
Spots 171901
Bases 48665983
Size 98875761
Exp Library Strategy WGS
Library Source GENOMIC
Library Selection RANDOM
Library Name HMP048-G-01-647
Library Layout SINGLE
Library Instrument 454 GS FLX
Exp. Description
Spot Length